Filip Staněk
Filip studied dance and acting at the Janáček ́s Conservatory in Ostrava.
For five years worked as a ballet soloist in theatre and at the same time as a dance teacher. After a serious injury he rethinked his approach to training.
He is now a member of 420PEOPLE dance company based in Prague, Czech republic, a certified fitness trainer and a recognized dance teacher of his own method SMART BODY.
He has completed many educations focusing on various branches including dance, movement and philosophy.
SMART BODY is a dance language and practice cultivating our movement intelligence.
It is a complex training form in accordance with the flow movement material and dance philosophy of
Filip Staněk.
It is based on contemporary dance techniques, but simultaneously takes effective implements from other branches such as sports, martial arts, physiotherapy, Fighting Monkey etc.
It considers dance to be a basic human need (how do you react when you hear the music?) while not insist on its particular form or aesthetics.
It searches for efficient and organic principles.
The method supports neuromuscular connections and provokes imagination, intuition and creativity to accomplish movement tasks.
Smart body improves agility, swiftness, stamina, coordination, joint mobility and power.
It teaches us sensitivity to our own body as well as to the environs. It educates a "clever body". Its goal is to find joy and freedom in movement expression.